DIK 2014 - 2017 (Phase III) , Date: 2020.07.01, format: Article

The third phase of the Conference focused on Muslim welfare and Islamic pastoral care. The work was done by a working group and a steering committee, with the working group replacing the former preparatory committee. The working group was responsible for preparing and following up on the work of the steering committee which met at political level.

Initially, the work focused on matters related to welfare. The Conference explored in particular aspects related to care for the elderly and child and youth welfare services. Building on these activities, the steering committee subsequently considered options for improving social services provided by Muslims for Muslims. Against the background of the arrival of refugees in particular since 2015, the body also dealt increasingly with the services that were already being provided by mosque congregations to refugees and with the question as to how this engagement could be expanded and deployed more specifically, also with support from the government. Subsequently, the Conference focused on Islamic pastoral care.

As a result, the steering committee adopted the final document entitled Seelsorge in öffentlichen Einrichtungen als Thema der DIK (Chaplaincy in public institutions as a topic of the DIK) at the end of Phase III; this document contains and summarises a host of information and specific recommendations regarding three core areas: chaplaincy in hospitals, prisons and the armed forces.