Beginning of the holy month of Ramadan , Date: 2021.04.12, format: Report, area: Featured Topics

Dear Muslim community in Germany,

For the second time, the holy month of Ramadan, which has just begun, takes place at a particularly difficult time due to the coronavirus pandemic. We are all sadly aware of how the rules and restrictions that currently apply will affect this holy month and the breaking of the fast in the evenings. Once again it will not be possible to gather in large groups to end the day’s fasting with a lavish convivial meal. Once again, it will not be possible to make new acquaintances, strengthen family ties and meet old friends as usual.

Rest assured that we recognise and highly value your patience and admirable steadfastness in complying with the rules that are unfortunately necessary. My sincere thanks for this go to you and also to the Muslim umbrella organisations of mosque communities, which, together with the Christian churches and other religious communities, have acted in close coordination with the authorities since the outset of the pandemic. In this way you all contribute in a decisive way to ensuring that as a society we do not drift apart, but instead stand together side by side, with courage and confidence. This sense of community gives us strength to face not only the present and its crises, but also whatever new challenges the future may bring.

I am confident that we will soon be able to celebrate our religious festivals again in the usual way, as befits our religious beliefs. I very much hope that in the days and week ahead, despite the regrettable and difficult circumstances you will still be able to draw fresh new strength from your faith, and that although you may not meet in person, you will come together all the more closely in your hearts. I wish you all the best for a peaceful, blessed and fulfilling time of prayer, inner reflection and spiritual contemplation.

Dr. Markus Kerber